Attitudes towards homosexuality have improved substantially in a relatively short period of time, and these days, Santiago is pretty tolerant towards gays and lesbians. There is a thriving scene in the capital and other cities of the country, and public opinion is increasingly in favour of more progressive legislation on same-sex unions. However, you should keep in mind that a large portion of the country’s population remains devoutly religious and many, in principle, still reject homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle. Although this rarely generates outright hostility, homophobic and hatred-related incidents take place as they do in every other part of the world. If you ever become involved in an episode of this kind, avoid confrontation, seek help and report the incident. There are a number of associations who can provide further assistance with a number of issues affecting Gays & Lesbians.

Movimiento de Integración y Liberación Homosexual
San Ignacio 1230, Santiago, Chile. Phone: + 56 (2) 544 21 83

Movimiento Unificado de Minorias Sexuales
General Bulnes 161, Santiago, Fono + 56 (2) 671 45 68