Media and Press
In an era when Internet access is widespread and readily available, you’re unlikely to rely on foreign press to keep up-to-date with world events. However, foreign newspapers and magazines are easily found in Santiago, although generally with a 24 hour delay. Best places to look for them are tabaquerías, which usually carry a good selection of world press. The newsstands along Paseo Ahumada also tend to sell foreign newspapers and magazines.
If you can manage in Spanish, Chilean press tends to be of good quality, if almost invariably conservative. Freedom of speech is heavily exercised these days, and the government gets a good bashing from all directions. El Mercurio is the country’s most senior newspaper and solidly right-wing, but it is widely regarded as the most respectable broadsheet. La Tercera is just behind El Mercurio in both seniority and quality, and it offers a good scoop of world and national news. La Nación is a government-sponsored newspaper, although it is often critical of it. There are two newspapers handed out at metro stations for free, the Metro and la Hora.
For financial information, again, your best bet is probably El Mercurio. There are several publications such as the newspaper Estrategia, magazines Capital and Qué Pasa which feature articles on both economic and political national affairs.
For cinema listings, restaurant reviews and general information of what’s on in the capital, check El Mercurio’s supplement Wiken every Friday.